Apollo Specialty Hospital, Perungudi, OMR is an branch office of Apollo Hospitals in Porur , Tamil Nadu. If you are located near Porur & are looking to visit Apollo Hospitals office in Porur, then this Apollo Hospitals office in Porur will suite you. The official contact details of Apollo Specialty Hospital, Perungudi, OMR including office address, branch phone number, manager mobile number, official fax number, office email id etc are listed here for your reference. As this Apollo Hospitals office is opened in the heart of Porur you can enjoy Apollo Hospitals Services without worry about traveling long distances in Porur. This Apollo Hospitals Store has a wide variety of offerings for New Customers. This Apollo Hospitals office is usually operational Monday to Saturday 10:30am to 6:00pm (Excluding Holidays). You can Download the contact details of Apollo Specialty Hospital, Perungudi, OMR by scanning the QR Code or by simply saving the VCard. For any kind of questions or service issues visit Apollo Specialty Hospital, Perungudi, OMR , Porur directions given below. It is always advisable to call / contact this Apollo Hospitals office before visiting.

  • Inaugurated in 2017, Apollo Specialty Hospitals, OMR is Asia’s leading healthcare services provider for more than 150 million patients across 140 countries.
  • The NABH-accredited healthcare provider provides tertiary healthcare services to the residents of OMR and the surrounding area.
  • The hospital focuses on various medical disciplines with special emphasis on Cardiology, Cardiothoracic Surgery, Neurology, and Trauma.


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